Referrals & Testimonials

"I put the Huga Tuga plush toy you gave our school with your book and he gets checked out from the library and taken home nightly for students to read and snuggle with. They love the set. Thank you again for all you have done to enhance literacy at Middle Gate and Newtown!” - Gail Huitt, Language Arts Director – Middle Gate School, Newtown CT

Calf Pen Meadow School - Milford CT.

Calf Pen Meadow School

395 Welchs Point Road

Milford, CT 06460




November 25, 2005




Joe Shandrowski, author of the Huga Tuga series, came to visit our elementary school in October 2005.


Mr. Shandrowski was unlike any other author that has visited our school.  Instead of merely talking about his craft lecture-style, he had a set with lights, music, and special effects to hold the students’ interest.  He adjusted his program for all students, thus both challenging and entertaining students from Kindergarten up to fifth grade.  The students and teachers loved his program not only for his message to use your imagination, but also for the creativity and “magic” that he used to entertain and engage.


I was able to meet with Mr. Shandrowski prior to his presentation, and he was very agreeable to our needs as well as affordable! He left copies of the book, Huga Tuga doll, and music CD to use with students prior to his visit.  If I had any questions for him, he was easily reached either via phone or email, and he responded promptly.


Mr. Shandrowski was very efficient delivering ordered books.  He provided all order forms and information for distribution.  Students who ordered books received them in a timely fashion, and each book was personally signed.  Additionally, proceeds from his book sales are used to help inner city schools receive books. 


I highly recommend this program to any school.  From our initial meeting to the final sale, this program was educational, informative, and imaginative!  Students are still talking about it!








Joanna Teodosio, Kindergarten

Calf Pen Meadow School

Hatton School - Southington, CT.




Mrs. Roberta McAloon, Principal


Telephone:860-628-3302                                                                  Fax:  860-628-3210



 November 2005



To Whom It May Concern:


Hatton School was privileged to have Joe Shandrowski, author of Huga Tuga, a children’s book, come to do a program for our K-5 students.  Joe, not only shared how he got his ideas, he shared his process of writing and illustrating his books (through an amazing special effects experience).  His program was extremely interactive and really kept the students’ interest.


He has been a great addition to our Cultural Arts experiences.




Roberta McAloon


Roberta McAloon



Patti Dyer, PTA Programming - Stratfield School, Fairfield, CT
"Joe, Thank you so much for your visit to Stratfield School.  The Kindergarten and First grade classes really enjoyed your program.  It's great to be able to have someone come in who gets the kids involved in the presentation.  They really loved all of the visuals.  The teachers commented on how much they enjoyed your telling of how your books were "born".  Thanks again." 

**Governor M. Jodi Rell – State of Connecticut
“It is people like you that make the beautiful State of Connecticut such a wonderful place to live.  Your continuing concern for early childhood literacy education is important to our state’s future.  Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.”
Priscilla Eller, Language Arts Specialist - Hayestown School, Danbury, CT
“The students were enthralled with your presentation.  It was well planned and paced and age appropriate.  As teachers, we were excited that you included the thinking skills of visualization, connection, predicting, and questioning.  The kids loved the dancing breaks and sound and visual effects.  Most importantly of all you delivered the message to help create literate students.”

Cindy Herr, Parent's Association - St. James School, Manchester                "Your ability to capture the attention and spark the imagination of the K-3 students through your presentation was enjoyed by all.  Their minds were racing to the moon and back!  Your presentation to grades 4-8 on overcoming challenges and following dreams was inspiring.  The feedback from the teacher's was very positive.  This was a wonderful program that sparked the creative literacy skills for the students.  I would highly recommend this to other schools."

Sue Dow, PTA President - McKinley School, Fairfield, CT 
"What a wonderful educational experience.   The children loved your literary show!!  My son came home so excited about it.  I mentioned it at our PTA meeting last night to get and everyone said their children came home excited and said they loved it!"

Ellen Levesque, 2nd Grade Teacher - Center School, Ellington, CT 
“Wow!  “Thank you so much for visiting our school and making our Readers Celebration such a wonderful success.  The children had an awesome experience!"

More Testimonials...

Jen Ackerman – PTO, South End School, Southington, CT

"Everyone in town who has experienced your program has absolutely raved about it.  Thanks so much." 

Teaching Staff, Daisy Ingraham School, Westbrook, CT

“Joe, your program was something very special.  We are so accustomed to author programs that are not age appropriate or authors who just visit to sell books.  It was so refreshing to experience a program that not only showed children the world of an author but also how important reading is. The program directly related to each age group and was animated, fun and definitely an experience the children will remember for years to come.  This is what enrichment programs should be all about.”   

Robin Fitzgerald – PTA, Hawley School, Newtown CT

“The second my son got home from school he began to create his own sea monster on the project sheet you gave out.  Thanks for bringing Huga Tuga to our school.  The teachers and children loved it!”

PTA & Administration – Branchville School, Ridgefield, CT 

"The children absolutely loved your program.  The teachers all had a wonderful time and thought the program was outstanding!”

WTNH Channel 8, Making The Grade - Educational Program

“Hundred’s of Wilcoxson School (Stratford) students were wowed as children’s author Joe Shandrowski treated them to a Huga Tuga light show, bubbles, and smoke to help them use their imaginations.  “The object is to get children to realize the amazing things they can create through reading, writing and the use of their imaginations."

Howard Landman, Principal - Sterling School – Plainfield, CT

“I talked to the teacher’s about the effectiveness of the program and each one of them could not say enough positive things.  The teachers and students all want you to return next year.  Thank you so much!”

Jodi Edelstein – Director, Green Chimney School, Brewster, NY

“Thank you so much for visiting our school (for children with emotional disabilities).  It is obvious by all the cards, pictures & stories the kids created that Huga Tuga made such a difference in their lives.”